CTK United 2019
CTK United 2018
CTK United March Madness 2020
CTK United Go Camp Promo - A Meme
CTK United Go Camp Promo - Worship Experience
Winshape Camps Promo - 2017
Lakes Church Reset Camp - 2017
Lakes Church Reset Camp 2017 - Monday Night
Lakes Church Reset Camp 2017 - Tuesday Night
Lakes Church Reset Camp 2017 - Wednesday Night
Lakes Church Reset Camp 2017 - Thursday Night
Camp Rules - The Story of Cedric Gollywomple
These "Student Camp" recap videos were produced for varying organizations including Lakes Church, Christ the King Community Church, and Winshape Camps. These videos continue to serve as nostalgic recaps for the students who attended the events as well as promotional material to generate interest for future camps and events.

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